Take the Pledge for National Road Safety Week 2023
Every year, more than 1200 people are killed and 44,000 seriously injured on Australian roads. National Road Safety Week is a time for us to remember those people who have lost their lives, and an opportunity to recognise that road safety is a shared responsibility. We acknowledge the families left behind and urge communities will come together and make their pledge to ensure the roads are safe for everyone. To drive so others survive.
We must work collectively to change attitudes, behaviours, tackle road trauma and shape the future of our roads.
What will you do in your day-to-day life to make the roads safer for yourself and for others?
Take the Road Safety Pledge below and share it on your social media by posting this image and text, remembering to tag us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!
I proudly pledge to drive so others survive this National Road Safety Week. Share your pledge and find out more about #NRSW at www.rsc.wa.gov.au/nrsw2023
Road Safety Pledges 2023
Better to start proactively work on Road Safety
It is better to be late than to be 'The Late'.
- L.M
I pledge to drive safely, pay attention to my surroundings, my actions behind the wheel and to be mindful and aware whilst driving.
I promise that i dont want to drive anymore, because it might hurt some body or me and my family will be heart broken - Vincent age 15
I always drive safely
I will always drive safely.I will follow the traffic rules.
Wear helmet ,never cross red light, no mobile during driving,never drive after alcohol cosume
Roàd safety is must important for life safe.family safe, nation safe.
I pledge to obey all road safety rules
I pledge to drive safely, being mindful that the lives of others are literally in my hands when I'm driving. I'll keep my attention on the road and be sure I'm always alert when behind the wheel.
I will not underestimate how even the smallest length of time being distracted can lead to a serious accident. For me, it was a matter of seconds using the indash panel.
I pledge to drive safely n calmly manner with the ability to evade other drivers and always looking where every vehicle is around at all times. Never staying in a blind spot for too long. And always stop to help if /when thing’s go wrong.
I will drive defensively and not make turns from the incorrect lane and watch out for vulnerable road users.
To never drive tired
I will take more time with my driving decisions, looking twice before changing lanes, looking out for pedestrians and unpowered vehicles (pedal bikes, scooters, skate boards), Being aware of motorcycles, as they can be hard to see.
I take the pledge that I bd a safe driver
I pledge to drive safe and educate my children and the children in my care about road safety
Slow down and enjoy the ride.
Make sure you are fit to drive.
Your speed is EVERYONE'S safety
You might think you are an excellent driver but you can't account for other people. Drive to conditions, obey road rules, give extra room, give clear intentions, be a mate
I pledge to drive as if people in passing cars are friends... In Perth they often are! Drive to ensure they arrive alive.
Respect for everyone on and around our roads.
Thank you for your contribution!
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