Take the 2022 Road Safety Pledge

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Consultation has concluded

National Road Safety Week is an opportunity for us to recognise that road safety is a shared responsibility.

We must work collectively to change attitudes, behaviours, tackle road trauma and shape the future of our roads.

What will you do in your day-to-day life to make the roads safer for yourself and for others?

Let's hold each other accountable and share our commitment through a personalised road safety pledge.

National Road Safety Week is an opportunity for us to recognise that road safety is a shared responsibility.

We must work collectively to change attitudes, behaviours, tackle road trauma and shape the future of our roads.

What will you do in your day-to-day life to make the roads safer for yourself and for others?

Let's hold each other accountable and share our commitment through a personalised road safety pledge.

Take the pledge

Adrian's pledge is "to make every journey safe, not just in my car, but on my bike and eScooter too."

Follow the Minister and Road Safety Commissioner's lead and share your road safety pledge in the box below:

(if you don't already have an account with us you do not need to register to add a pledge, you will just need to provide a display name to be shown next to your comment and your email address to receive a copy of your contribution - but don't worry you won't be added on to any databases or receive any correspondence from us) 

Consultation has concluded

I’m for road safety, as a pedestrian most of the time I pledge to cross the roads according to the traffic lights and stay vigilant!

Broomie1 about 2 years ago

I pledge to drive safe not just this week but everyday for the rest of my driving life.
I will not be distracted. I will follow road rules. And I will ensure to the best of my ability to get myself and passengers if I have them, home safe.
In loving memory or Aleetza Rae ❤️

Renae Banyard about 2 years ago

I pledge to be alert and safe in my journies not only this week but everyday.

Karen about 2 years ago

I pledge to make every journey safe, not just in my car, but on my bike and eScooter too!

Fff about 2 years ago

I pledge:
- I will drive as if my loved ones are on the road ahead
- I will remove all distractions and never handle my mobile device whilst driving.
- I will ensure that whilst I am operating any vehicle I will be fit to drive,
- I will drive to the current road conditions & within the laws of the road,
- I will obey all traffic control signage,
- I will slow down where I identify vulnerable road users and whose place of work exposes them to increased risk on the roads which I use.

Snoop D'Jour about 2 years ago

I pledge to not get distracted by devices in my car and to always be courteous to other road users.

Tarin about 2 years ago

I pledge to keep my attention on the road at all times when driving. I will avoid any distractions and keep my mobile phone in my bag to avoid looking at it.

Kirsty about 2 years ago

I pledge to not look at my phone while driving

Pongo about 2 years ago

I pledge to eliminate all disctractions, while I drive

StevensS about 2 years ago

I pledge not to drive when I've had less than 7 hours sleep, or a bad night of sleep. I pledge to keep having discussions with my friends, family and colleagues about fatigue and contribute to shifting community attitudes that fatigue is not dangerous, to help people understand that driving tired is as dangerous as drink driving.

lozzyb about 2 years ago