eRideable Post Implementation Review Survey

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The Road Safety Commission is seeking community feedback about the recently implemented rules for eRideable devices in Western Australia.

We're eager to get the perspectives of all Western Australian path and road users in this survey, not just eRideable users. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete!

The Road Safety Commission is seeking community feedback about the recently implemented rules for eRideable devices in Western Australia.

We're eager to get the perspectives of all Western Australian path and road users in this survey, not just eRideable users. The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded. If you participated in this consultation, or subscribed for updates you will receive updates on the progress of this project via email. Otherwise, please check back on the consultation page!


    The Road Safety Commission is seeking community feedback about the recently implemented rules for eRideable devices in Western Australia. 

    Examples of eRideable devices are eScooters, eSkateboards, self balancing wheels, eUnicycles, eHoverboards, eSkates and other electric devices of similar proportions. These devices are used on a range of public infrastructure including roads, footpaths and shared paths. In those spaces, eRideable users interact with many types of road and path users including motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. 

    We are eager to get the perspectives of all Western Australian path and road users in this survey, not just eRideable users. 

    This survey seeks to gather information about people's experience and views on: 

    • who uses eRideables and/or is affected by their use
    • where eRideables are used or should be used
    • how eRideables are used 
    • what devices are permitted and used

    The survey is also intended to collect information about injuries and incidents involving eRideables. 

    The survey will gather some demographic data which will be used to help target interventions and ensure that a cross-section of the population is surveyed.

    This survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. 

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Page last updated: 21 Oct 2022, 12:30 PM