What is an 'e-Rideable' device'?

    We're working on developing a framework to regulate these kinds of devices. The technical term is 'Personal Mobility Device' or PMD but we find the term 'e-Rideable' to be a bit more community friendly. 

    There are a large number of devices out there these days and we want to make sure we're writing regulations which will work for everyone, so we're surveying the community about what they're using to get a more clear picture of what devices are being used. 

    However, we know for sure that this framework will not include;

    • Electric bikes
    • Electrical Personal Transporters (EPTs, or Segways as they are more commonly known)  
    • Motorised wheelchairs 
    • 'Wheeled recreational devices' like push skateboards, push scooters or roller-skates; or 
    • Motorised scooters less than 200 Watts

    These devices are all quite different to things like eScooters, eSkateboards, electric Unicycles etc, and they already have their own comprehensive rules and regulations, so we are not including them in the framework being developed. 

    Why are we consulting about e-Rideables?

    As you'll be aware, electric scooters, electric skateboards, self balancing wheels and similar devices have become very popular, more available and more affordable in recent years.

    We recognize that times are changing and the road rules in WA need to catch up to the rapidly evolving technology we're seeing out on our roads and paths.

    We're hoping to get some information from the people who are already using these devices, or intend to use them, so we can better understand the who, what, where, when and why and make sure the regulatory framework we develop will keep everyone safe.

    Once we've had a chance to hear your feedback and better understand how you use your devices, this will help us to develop sensible regulations around how they can be used, which will ensure e-Rideable users, cyclists, pedestrians, skateboarders, roller-skaters and all other road users can co-exist safely.

    How will my feedback be used?

    This first survey will provide important information on;

    • what kind of devices the community is using
    • how they are being used
    • the prevalence of these devices
    • the context they're being used in 
    • and other important information around demographics and behaviors

    This will help guide the development of the framework and indicate whether we should be exploring other complementary regimes, help us design further reviews, and shape how we communicate with the community on these issues. 

    When can we expect the second phase consultation?

    Once we've had a chance to analyse your feedback, we will use that, alongside consultation with other State Government agencies involved, and research and evidence on e-Rideables to start developing some sensible regulations for this device framework. We anticipate we will be ready for the second phase of consultation with you and the wider community in mid June, so subscribe for updates back on the project page!

    What are the current laws for electric scooters?

    The motorised scooters currently defined under WA regulations must have a maximum power output of no more than 200 watts, and not be capable of exceeding 10km/h on level ground when propelled by its motor(s). 

    There are a few rules which currently apply to these devices:

    • Riders are permitted on footpaths and shared paths 
    • Riders must keep left and give way to pedestrians also using the paths.
    • Riders must wear a helmet.

    Motorised scooters cannot be ridden:

    • On roads with a speed limit exceeding 50km/h;
    • A road with a dividing line or median strip;
    • A one way road with more than one marked lane; or
    • During the hours of darkness.

    Devices with a power output over 200 watts and/or capable of exceeding 10km/h are currently required to be licensed for use on public infrastructure.